No one ever wants to find themselves in an emergency situation or after having an incident, in the position of needing to claim. However, that's where your insurance comes in and provides you with cover and peace of mind.

In the unfortunate event that you are involved in an incident or accident, or you have damage or a break-in at your home, please get in touch with us at the office during regular working hours at (01) 626 3187 and ask for Personal Lines Claims and our staff will assist as professionally and swiftly as they can.
If the matter is outside regular hours, please email info@crossinsurances.ie and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
Many Insurers have helplines for Motor Breakdown, Windscreen Damage or Breakage – and Home Emergencies. These are subject to you having the relevant cover on your policy of course, but for assistance – the contact numbers are listed below.
We do our best to keep these contact numbers up to date, but occasionally the numbers or providers might be changed without being brought to our attention.
What do I need to do after a car accident?
At the scene of an accident, first of all, make sure you put on your Hazard Warning Lights and then get to a safe place off the main road and away from any oncoming traffic.
Avoid staying in the vehicle whether you're on a motorway or any other type of the main road
If anyone is badly injured in the accident and requires urgent medical attention phone the emergency services on 112 or 999
Once you're in a safe place, try and collect all the details of the other party/parties involved.
Try to stay calm and polite, but don't admit you were at fault for the accident, even if you think you were.
Try to obtain the following information:
Names of any third parties
Their Contact Numbers
Their Insurer's details including policy number which may be on their insurance disc
The Car Registrations of any other vehicles involved and their make and model of car or vehicle
Note the number of passengers in other vehicles and the approximate ages
If safe to do so – take still photos of the damage and positioning of cars/ road markings/ road signs etc
If safe to do so – a video of the scene detailing as above
Names and contact details of any independent witnesses
Names and contact details of any motorists who might have relevant Dashcam footage
If your car is blocking the road and there are no injuries, try and move it to the side. Only do this if the car is safe to drive and don't put yourself or others in any danger. If you're at all unsure, don't attempt to move it.
If your vehicle is undrivable and needs collection, you can take your belongings out of the vehicle but only if it’s safe to do so.
When should I inform my insurer?
You should contact us as soon as possible to report the incident, even if you aren’t planning to make a claim. Make sure you’re in a safe place before calling us as your safety is paramount.
If the accident happens outside our opening hours, and the car isn't driveable, call the 24-hour Accident Recovery Helpline for your insurer
What happens when I report the accident?
Whether you report over the phone or online, we'll need as much information as possible about the incident and the details of all parties involved.
We will advise you on the process and any options you might have at that stage.
We'll also let you know if there's other information we need from you and discuss repairs to your vehicle, liability, excess, and No Claims Bonus and answer any questions you have.
What happens after I've reported the incident?
After you've decided how to proceed, we'll start the process and advise on timescales where possible. Until we know the extent of the damage it can be difficult for us to state how long the process will take. Liability can be a complex process with no set timescale so we might not be able to provide you with timescales straightaway.
We understand that having a road traffic accident can be a stressful event and we will do our best to assist you when you need it most.

ï‚· Allianz 01 613 3990
ï‚· Aviva 1800 448 888
ï‚· Axa 1800 333 393
ï‚· Footprint 01 908 9030
ï‚· Kennco 01 499 8316
ï‚· Liberty 1800 706 080
ï‚· MIS 01 804 4328
ï‚· Ornella 1800 806 800
(previously Patrona)
ï‚· Prestige 0818 000 222
ï‚· RSA 01 832 8358
ï‚· Wrightway 05391 501 608
ï‚· Zurich 0818 208 408
ï‚· ï‚· Allianz 01 448 4848
ï‚· Aviva 1800 565 556
ï‚· Axa 0818 736 524
ï‚· RSA 01 832 8757
ï‚· Zurich 0818 208 408
ï‚·Allianz 01 613 3000
ï‚· Aviva 1800 147 147
ï‚· Axa 0818 736 524
ï‚· Footprint 01 908 9030
(Mr Windscreen)
ï‚· Kennco 01 499 4600
ï‚· Liberty 1800 944 435
ï‚· Ornella 01 460 6905 (AllGlass)
ï‚· Prestige 1890 247 365
ï‚· RSA 01 460 6900 Autoglass
ï‚· Wrightway 01 460 6905 (AllGlass)
ï‚· Zurich 0818 208 408