If this is your business – Cross Insurances have the expertise to help you get a comprehensive package policy with specialist Insurers in Ireland and the UK at an affordable price.
Among the sectors that we can place cover for are:
Internet Service Providers
Telecommunications Providers
IT Consultants
Managed Service Providers
IT Training
Software Developers
Managed Helpdesk Services – and many more!
The range of covers available can include:
Breach of contract
IP infringements (including patent and trade secrets, but not for US/Canada)
Breach of confidentiality
Civil liability
Sub-contractors or outsourcers
Network security and personal data events
Key-person cover
Court attendance
To get the journey started – please get in touch with us and we will do our best for you.
Please get in touch:
colm@crossinsurances.ie or dermot@crossinsurances.ie
or call the office to talk to them (01) 626 3187